Chemelot as a circular, sustainable and completely climate neutral chemical site in 2050. The synergy makes it the ultimate spot to realize this transition. Brightsite has the total overview and ensures processes meet the needs of the whole site. Together we make Chemelot an internationally leading testing ground. On 16 June 2020, Chemelot announced its strategy ‘Chemelot climate neutral in 2050’.
Our aim
Brightsite can make a major contribution to the transition of the chemical industry to renewable energy and feedstock sources, with the aim of making this sector climate neutral and bringing solutions for other sectors. We boost the development and commercial application of technologies that enable the chemical industry to achieve its sustainability, safety and human capital objectives, in line with the climate challenge and energy transition. A great assignment where knowledge and skills of all parties come together, committed to securing and promoting employment in a sustainable manner.
A unique initiative
Brightsite is a public-private partnership between four partners. A collaboration based on an open character, which uses an expertise network to realize a transformation in the chemical industry. The Brightsite partners, Sitech Services, TNO, Maastricht University and Brightlands Chemelot Campus signed the cooperation agreement June 2019 and appointed Arnold Stokking as director. Under his leadership, Brightsite started working on the Chemelot site with six program lines.
Our goals closely fit the ambitions of the Dutch government and Province of Limburg. Holland Chemistry embraces this initiative and fully supports the (inter)national ambition.