Cost-effectively reducing CO2 emissions by saving on steam requires Chemelot wide approach


Brightsite is committed to creating a sustainable chemical industry. At Chemelot, a complex steam network is already being used to handle the demand for and supply of steam in a sustainable manner. Brightsite is carrying out a steam study to map out for Chemelot where steam-related efficiency measures may create extra room. The intention is to make optimum use of the steam system and jointly achieve cost-efficient saving options. Any knowledge and experience gained could also be interesting for other sites.

Why save on steam?

Preventing unwanted climate change requires limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Various energy efficiency measures may help to reduce these emissions. The reduction and smart use of generated steam can contribute to this. Steam is a key energy carrier within the chemical industry. It is frequently used to heat and drive processes because it is efficient and safe. Whilst steam condensation yields a lot of energy, steam production also requires a lot of energy. Saving on steam therefore creates opportunities for appealing projects to reduce CO2 emissions. Brightsite and Chemelot therefore want to increase the room available for steam saving projects. The first step in that direction is mapping out the potential for steam saving projects and the flexibility in Chemelot’s steam system.

Do you want to contribute?

We strive for greenhouse gas reduction through implementing the most cost-effective measures and by ensuring production at the same time. The next step for us is to prepare a shortlist with the most promising projects and then jointly select a combination of the most appealing measures for Chemelot. It is important to start right now, enabling Chemelot to take concrete steps to make the site more sustainable and to achieve the reduction targets of 2030. Do you want to contribute to this, get more information or do you want to use our services? Then contact us.