ENZuid online summit: Green chemistry, new economy


On 24 February, the second online summit of Economisch Netwerk Zuid-Nederland (ENZuid) will take place on the theme of Green chemistry, new economy. Arnold Stokking, Managing Director of Brightsite and driver of ENZuid, will explain that substantial CO2 reduction and the shift to renewable raw materials offer great economic opportunities for the manufacturing industry, agro and recycling sector. In addition to concrete solution directions for upscaling innovations, projects are presented that are close to the next investment. The livestream will be available via: www.groenechemie.nl.


Together with a coalition of partners, the program ‘Green chemistry, new economy’ will be launched. We will be discussing this theme further with Diederik Samsom (European Commission), Wouter Bos (Invest-NL), Frank Kuijpers (SABIC), Guustaaf Savenije (Top Sector HTSM, VDL), Willem Sederel (Circular Biobased Delta), Emmo Meijer (Top Sector Chemistry), Focco Vijselaar (EZK), Paul de Krom (TNO), entrepreneurs, representatives of the provinces and representatives of knowledge institutions and Regional Development Companies.

Date and time livestream

24 February 2021
4 till 5 p.m.

Include this time in your agenda

More information

The ambitions of the chain transition program in the process industry were presented at the first summit on 24 June 2020. View the short summary here. For the background of the theme, we refer to the Energy Transition theme on the ENZuid website.

If you know parties who may be interested in the online summit, please forward this information.