Interview on the energy transition of the process industry in magazine ‘De Ingenieur’


De Ingenieur, the largest online engineering platform in the Netherlands published by the Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI), asked Arnold Stokking, Managing Director at Brightsite, for an interview about the energy transition of the process industry. Arnold shared his vision, among other prominent figures in this field, which you can read in the May issue. 

Brightsite wants to accelerate technology development for greening the process industry by engaging with builders and end users right from the start. Arnold Stokking: “We only have thirty years for the total transformation of the process industry, a bizarrely short time. Until now, just preparing a new type of device for the market often took thirty years. We no longer have the luxury of calmly going down the well-known technology readiness level scale (TRL) from 1 to 9, from lab to mature technology. The risk is too great that an idea that has already taken a lot of work turns out to be unusable. We have to turn it around: not a “TRL 1 to 9” thinking, but a “TRL 9 to 1” thinking. Start with the device you want to have in the factory and adjust the development from the embryonic stage to arrive at that. There must be constant consultation between the developers and the later builders and users.”

Article “Buigen of barsten”

The chemical industry is under increasing pressure, both from climate policy and from foreign competition. Radically different production processes are needed to be future-proof, but competitive pressure is holding back large long-term investments. Does bottom-up transformation offer a solution? Or is it the government’s turn again?

The article discusses various interesting people and perspectives; Henk Akse (Director at consultancy firm Traxxys for innovation and sustainability in the process industry), Marit van Lieshout (Lecturer sustainable process industry at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and senior consultant at consultancy firm Royal Haskoning-DHV), Guustaaf Savenije (Member of the Executive Board VDL Groep), André Faaij (Distinguished Professor Energy System Analysis and Scientific Director of the Energy Academy Europe), Wouter Wetzels (Researcher TNO Energy transition), Gert Jan Kramer (Professor of sustainable energy systems at Utrecht University), Ernst Worrell (Professor of energy, materials and environment at Utrecht University), Kees Biesheuvel (Technology and innovation manager at Dow) en Bettina Kampman (Senior researcher at environmental consultancy CE Delft).

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At Brightsite, we have taken on the challenge and are working on the transition towards a climate neutral and circular chemistry. This requires new ways of thinking and new revenue models. We know where we want to go and we know that it’s possible: a green chemical industry that is sustainable, innovative and competitive. Does Brightsite’s working method reflect your company’s? Feel free to contact us.