Chemical companies are currently facing two major challenges: how to reduce CO₂ emissions and how to make their products more sustainable. The main focus of current policies is on reducing direct CO₂ emissions, but there is enormous potential on the product side. Using sustainable bio-based raw materials and recyclable waste (alternative carbon sources) to make chemical building blocks will make it possible to save CO₂ and build sustainable, circular value chains that have a positive impact on the climate on a global scale.
We at the trade association for the chemical industry in the Netherlands recently released a report, ‘From Roadmap to Reality’, setting out the steps that the sector is already taking to become climate-neutral and circular within the next thirty years. The reality is that there is no time to lose between now and 2050 – now is the time to take action. All kinds of projects have been launched in the areas of energy efficiency, CO₂ capture and storage, hydrogen and electrification, and we are working on making products more sustainable. But we cannot do this alone. More than ever, we need to cooperate in the chain so that we can continue to make products that contribute to prosperity and wellbeing. The keys to a successful transition are: cooperation in the chain, clear policies, adequate and timely investment in infrastructure and financial support for innovative techniques that are not yet profitable.
We are delighted that Brightsite is committed to the greening of chemistry. Brightsite’s work in the area of clean hydrogen production is a great example of the development of innovative technologies needed to achieve the climate targets.