Unique approach to analyse impact on the climate
Electrification and greening of raw materials are the future of the chemical industry. However, the scarcity of renewable resources makes both efficient development of their sources and efficient use crucial. But what paths are the right ones to choose? How do we make the right choices? Brightsite’s SCIARS approach can help by providing transparency on possible routes to fictive ‘sustainable futures’ and their real impact on the climate.
What is SCIARS?
SCIARS was initially introduced by Brightsite in 2021 as SCIAR (Source, Commodity, Intermediates, Application and Resource), see Figure 1. “Recently we have changed the name, due to trade marking, to SCIARSTM (Source, Commodity, Intermediate, Application and ReSource)”, says Paul Brandts, Intelligence Officer Brightsite.
Céline Fellay, Program Manager Brightsite:
“SCIARS takes the whole system into account and integrates the energy- and raw material transition, which are entangled.”