Sustainability & limited security of delivery of green power requires more flexibilization of processes


The transition to a climate-neutral Chemelot in 2050 comes with the necessary challenges. Electrification of processes will result in an increasing demand for CO₂ free electricity. Is there enough green electricity available? How will it be transported to Chemelot? Are factories able to become more flexible, for example by switching off when there is a shortage and thus keeping electricity affordable? In any case, all this requires an appropriate and timely available energy infrastructure and flexibility. In this article we will discuss the challenges surrounding the demand for, supply and infrastructure of green energy with grid operator TenneT and the Province of Limburg. 

The transition to a climate-neutral and circular industry requires a lot of new infrastructure for the transport and storage of electricity, hydrogen, heat, CO₂ and raw materials. As far as electricity is concerned, it is clear that demand from industry will increase due to sustainability, estimated by a factor of 4 within 15 years. As processes are electrified, factories will use more electricity and industry will become more dependent on electricity. On the other hand, the supply is becoming less stable, because electricity production is becoming increasingly dependent on sun and wind.

Jan-Jaap van Halem, process manager Climate Agreement at the Province of Limburg:

“Offshore wind must be made available to all of the Netherlands, such as Groningen gas and Limburg coal. Chemelot’s competitive position must remain the same as the clusters on the coast.”

Does your company recognize itself in the working method of Brightsite?

The future outlook is that Chemelot has met the national goals for greenhouse gas reduction by implementing the most cost-effective measures while ensuring production. In 2050 Chemelot is entirely carbon-neutral, based on an optimal transition pathway. Do you want to contribute to this program, or do you want to make use of our services? Please contact us.