How can we train technical talent of the future and retain them in our region?


A sustainable chemical industry isn’t just about addressing technical and financial challenges, it’s also about training the engineers of the future and regional talent retention. Brightsite, in partnership with Maastricht University (UM), has been doing this for years already, which is getting a boost with the JTF project StrongerCircle.

Gavin Phillips (Program Director of Brightsite and the UM bachelor Circular Engineering) tells us how the StrongerCircle project can help recruit technical talent to the South Limburg region. Ferdinand van Kampen (advisor on the Management Board of VISTA college and Chair of the steering group Collaborative Network of Ecosystems Limburg (SNEL) explains how this fits within the ecosystem of the chemical industry.

“Through a collaborative ecosystem approach, nearly 50 million euros in various ongoing projects—encompassing innovation funds and the JTF—will synergistically amplify their impact, fortifying our commitment to ushering in a green chemistry future for South Limburg, together.”

Ferdinand van Kampen